AlamoPROMISE Student of the Month February 2024 Melina Arambula, 帕洛阿尔托学院


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在圣安东尼奥出生和长大, TX, Melina Arambula is no stranger to the 澳门正规博彩十大排行平台区 (ACD). Her mother attended 帕洛阿尔托学院 and is a long-time employee of ACD.

As a graduate of Northside School of Innovation, 技术, 和创业, 梅丽娜有资格参加 AlamoPROMISE程序, a last-dollar scholarship that covers 100 percent of tuition and fees for graduating seniors from partner high schools. Excited about the opportunity to “pursue higher education without the stress of worrying how I would pay for school from day one,” Melina decided to follow in her mother’s footsteps and is now in her second semester at 帕洛阿尔托学院 (PAC) where she is working toward an Associate of Arts.

被公认为. 2024 AlamoPROMISE student of the month, Melina is known on campus as an outstanding student who exudes commitment and hard work, 结果是3.57个绩点. Melina credits AlamoPROMISE to her academic success, 说, “it has allowed me to get used to college without having to worry about getting a job or taking out a loan.”

还有承诺计划, she is thankful for the other resources available to students to help make higher education affordable and accessible, including AlamoBOOKS+ which covers the cost of textbook rentals – a benefit that Melina said, 对我帮助很大.”

Outside of her studies, Melina has been a talented volleyball player for 10 years and is a PAC女子排球队 成员.

“I’m happy that I have found a place with the PAC athletic center. It has been an honor to represent my college at games throughout 圣安东尼奥 and the surrounding communities,”梅丽娜说。.

从PAC毕业后, Melina plans to transfer to the University of Texas at 圣安东尼奥 (UTSA) as part of the AlamoPROMISE to UTSA Bold Promise, where qualifying students can have their tuition and fees covered for four fall and spring semesters within a two-year period. 作为UTSA的一名学生, Melina will pursue a degree in Criminology with the ultimate goal of becoming a Crime Scene Investigator.

高中的时候, I re成员 wondering if I could ever really undergo the rigors of college life and if I was academically prepared to take on those challenges. 现在, with the support of the faculty and staff, 我发现我能做到, which has given me great confidence in myself and my future goals,”梅丽娜说。 at the 校董会’ February 2024 meeting. “None of this would have been possible if not for AlamoPROMISE … I have a wonderful future ahead of me, and I have all of you to thank for it.”